I am forever torn between the two completely different worlds of heartwarming beverages. I don't think this will ever change, either. It's the way I was born, like how I was born with a retarded birthmark on my foot...okay, not that I'd drink my foot - or the birthmark on it for that matter, but anyway. Basically, I'm talking about Tea. And Coffee. Are you a T?? Or a coffee bean? To me, there's nothing better than the calming ritual of boiling some water and dunking a tea bag into a steaming teacup. It's almost as good as drinking it. It's for relaxing at home...the object of my daydreams: to sit back and relax in a comfy spot, frankie magazine in one hand, a scorching hot mug of teaaa in the other...now i feel like drinking tea. And of course, (unless you're, forgive my crappy chinese phonetic spelling, GUI-LOW) tea can also be enjoyed as a cool, refreshing partner in a darkened cinema. Ah, the joys of choking on lychee jelly...I'm talking about EASYWAY. That oh-so-suspiciously-sweet yet so good indulgence only for days when you have a little extra cash in your pocket...or wallet, the art of stabbing the massive fat straw through the lid - too weak and you'll get splattered with cold liquid, too hard and you'll also get splattered. I miss the days of the small size easyway...
Or on the other hand, we have our temptation, our uber satisfying evil twin beverage, subject of daily cravings for some, hourly cravings for others, the devil's drink. (contains drugs). COFFEEEEEEEE! When did milk and caffeine and sugar and bittersweet get so good? What is it about that deadly combination that comes in your own styrofoam cup - ready to kill the environment - that we want so badly? Perfect for on-the-go, when you're out and about, or even in your own home (! ... if you can be bothered. I wouldn't.) it not only doesn't quench your thirst, it makes you even thirstier! But I love it! I just can't get enough of it! Love it so much I would eat coffee-flavoured cookies, coffee-flavoured icecream just to get a tiny bit of that delectable tastiness. No one hears about the new "tea flavoured ice cream" do we? (it's called green tea ice cream - quite delicious actually, but no where near as popular as coffee flavour). The only thing better than coffee flavour is coffee itself. But then again, some people get too hooked onto coffee - and for reasons other than taste as well (shock horror) i'm talking about the CAFFEINE HIT. *shakes head* You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Exploiting the wonders and blissfullness of coffee, not the the blissfullniss of its wonderful taste but for the stimulant factor. That's when they go over to the dark side...other caffeine drinks. It's the drink-that can-not-be-named...its...V...oldemort. *teehee* jokes. Just 'V'. Voldy's nickname. But back to the good stuff. Coffee is awesome. And its especially awesome because most cups that we buy actually taste like sh*t. But it makes the TRULY good cups stand out, really imprint on our minds. Well-brewed coffee is paradise. Nothing could be better, the world is smiling at you as you walk down the street, the sun is shining...and then its all gone, the cup is empty and you crash back to reality and suddenly want another cup. But to prove to you that I drink coffee for TASTE and not HIT, I will say (type) loud and clear: I DRINK DECAF!!!
...I think I could hear the jaws dropping. Like a clunk. And I can imagine the tumble weed just blowing through the minds of whoever is reading this (probably no one, actually). Once again, sorry for making the post too long. I seem to have a problem stopping what I've started...particularly when its about my two favourite hot drinks! I love them both equally. That will never change. <3 Happy New Year!
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