Wednesday, December 29

keep calm and drink tea.

I am forever torn between the two completely different worlds of heartwarming beverages. I don't think this will ever change, either. It's the way I was born, like how I was born with a retarded birthmark on my foot...okay, not that I'd drink my foot - or the birthmark on it for that matter, but anyway. Basically, I'm talking about Tea. And Coffee. Are you a T?? Or a coffee bean? To me, there's nothing better than the calming ritual of boiling some water and dunking a tea bag into a steaming teacup. It's almost as good as drinking it. It's for relaxing at home...the object of my daydreams: to sit back and relax in a comfy spot, frankie magazine in one hand, a scorching hot mug of teaaa in the i feel like drinking tea. And of course, (unless you're, forgive my crappy chinese phonetic spelling, GUI-LOW) tea can also be enjoyed as a cool, refreshing partner in a darkened cinema. Ah, the joys of choking on lychee jelly...I'm talking about EASYWAY. That oh-so-suspiciously-sweet yet so good indulgence only for days when you have a little extra cash in your pocket...or wallet, the art of stabbing the massive fat straw through the lid - too weak and you'll get splattered with cold liquid, too hard and you'll also get splattered. I miss the days of the small size easyway...

Or on the other hand, we have our temptation, our uber satisfying evil twin beverage, subject of daily cravings for some, hourly cravings for others, the devil's drink. (contains drugs). COFFEEEEEEEE! When did milk and caffeine and sugar and bittersweet get so good? What is it about that deadly combination that comes in your own styrofoam cup - ready to kill the environment - that we want so badly? Perfect for on-the-go, when you're out and about, or even in your own home (! ... if you can be bothered. I wouldn't.) it not only doesn't quench your thirst, it makes you even thirstier! But I love it! I just can't get enough of it! Love it so much I would eat coffee-flavoured cookies, coffee-flavoured icecream just to get a tiny bit of that delectable tastiness. No one hears about the new "tea flavoured ice cream" do we? (it's called green tea ice cream - quite delicious actually, but no where near as popular as coffee flavour). The only thing better than coffee flavour is coffee itself. But then again, some people get too hooked onto coffee - and for reasons other than taste as well (shock horror) i'm talking about the CAFFEINE HIT. *shakes head* You people should be ashamed of yourselves. Exploiting the wonders and blissfullness of coffee, not the the blissfullniss of its wonderful taste but for the stimulant factor. That's when they go over to the dark side...other caffeine drinks. It's the drink-that can-not-be-named...its...V...oldemort. *teehee* jokes. Just 'V'. Voldy's nickname. But back to the good stuff. Coffee is awesome. And its especially awesome because most cups that we buy actually taste like sh*t. But it makes the TRULY good cups stand out, really imprint on our minds. Well-brewed coffee is paradise. Nothing could be better, the world is smiling at you as you walk down the street, the sun is shining...and then its all gone, the cup is empty and you crash back to reality and suddenly want another cup. But to prove to you that I drink coffee for TASTE and not HIT, I will say (type) loud and clear: I DRINK DECAF!!! 

...I think I could hear the jaws dropping. Like a clunk. And I can imagine the tumble weed just blowing through the minds of whoever is reading this (probably no one, actually). Once again, sorry for making the post too long. I seem to have a problem stopping what I've started...particularly when its about my two favourite hot drinks! I love them both equally. That will never change. <3 Happy New Year! 

Monday, December 27

Happy Post Christmas!

I have a confession to make.  I was practising piano today (no, that's not the confession...) when something snapped. No, it clicked. No wait, it changed. No, switched. Nah, back to clicked. Moving on. I suddenly REALISED (ah, that's the word) that I like piano more than violin. OMG. I immediately compared it to liking one child more than another and felt terrible. (bad analogy i know, and don't worry - i don't have child). But not really. Sort of evil, like. MWAHAHAHA sucks to the violin I like piano better - take that I PWN YOU!!

Yummy pavlova with whipped cream and fresh red berries!! Mmmmmmm...summer is bliss. So is dessert. Therefore summer dessert is paradise. Such an obvious equation. And leftover whipped cream became "strawberries in cream" and "rasberries in cream" (basically shoving the leftovers together in your mouth. Doesn't sound as eloquent as the name suggests. But its sooo good.)


Remember how I obsessed over clogs from Wittner? Well, today my mum and I (technically speaking, they're hers, but I'll probs be stealing them more...heh.) bought a pair of Shuba clogs from HYPE!!! YAYAY hurray for post christmas sales!! 30% off!!! Yeah. Totally cool man. As seen from my excitement, it is probably not hard to guess that I had a little photo-taking spaz with them. Which I did. And will now share with you. Right now.

So there you go. New clogs. And too many photos. And on that note, after *ahem* obsessively taking pictures of shoes I also experimented with some other photo-taking. I love my camera.

I like the first one the best. I took it by shoving my camera in the face of my dog, that I was carrying down the stairs. Flash. It was extremely spontaneous. That reminds me of ukeleles (don't ask why spontaneous-ness reminds me of ukeleles...). At the christmas party bash this year (sounds exciting right? forms a picture of a bunch of young teenage friends chilling by a pool, loud music just lunch with family.) Along with the story. I discovered a ukelele, no in fact, THE IDENTICAL UKELELE TO THE ONE DEBBIE JUST BOUGHT in my cousins room. Now, my cousins is 7, and she has a little brother who is 2. I know that because I played with him, with a thomas the tank engine train track set, before he decided to bash me up with a Bob the Builder yellow tractor, whatever its name is. *googles it* Scoop. It's called scoop. ANYWAY so I found this UKELELE sitting in the corner COLLECTING DUST and start playing with it - eventually I asked my 7-yr-old cousin if the ukelele was hers - no. It was her brothers. The 2-yr-old's. Then I hyperventilated. No, that's a lie. I was just extremely shocked. Extremely. He doesn't even play it. *shakes head* sigh. Anyway (how long is this paragraph? And how many times have I written "anyway"?! Anyway...) I better wrap it up there, this post is WAAY too long already. Happy post christmas everyone!

Thursday, December 23

Basil, lemon thyme and garlic.

It literally "melted" in my mouth. I'm not kidding. 

Sorry, the last photo was a bit random. I just thought all the nail polish was really funny. 
So Tuesday was clothes swap day!! It was so much fun and I was uber surprised/pleased about how much stuff people brought. Special thanks to Ivy (for the pretty dress) and Debbie (for the cute woven/mocassin flats). 

*slaps hand on table and squishes tiny spider* 

And btw, if you were wondering about the slightly strange title of this post, its to do with me cooking dinner last night. The menu was:
  • Lemon thyme and garlic marinated barramundi fillets
  • Basil, cherry tomato and pistachio pesto with butterfly/bow tie pasta
  • Garlic mash potatos
  • Random peas (with salt and pepper...i don't know why i added that)
  • Really random retarded cucumber
It turned out surprisingly well!! Really yummy and everyone ate heaps (i think). This was my second time making mash potatoes (the first time failed miserably...basically i undercooked the potatoes anyway it was a disaster but you don't need to hear about it). 

Sneak peek:

If you're wondering, the last picture was mash potato. ^^ nomnomnom

Last night my dad helped me to insert the film into my vintage 1930s Kodak Flash Bantam camera (why do i always type the long name? =.=) and today I took SEVEN PHOTOS ON IT!! Heh. Really fun. 

Anyway the wind is blowing our house down and sending stuff flying around the room and my brother is bugging me to help him do something. 

Merry Christmas to all. *sings* Feliz navidaaaad...Here's some more pics to help you get "in the spirit". Wow. That sounded really sarcastic. 

Sunday, December 19

i thought it was a latte but they told me it was a flat white but it was really a cappucino.

An ode to a household chore by Carrie Lee.
My day.
My holidays. 
My life. 
Is dishwashing. 
Morning, noon or night,
Don't bother putting up a fight,
Breakfast, dinner or lunch,
Bend over a sink until I grow a hunch.

It's less than a week until Christmas. Not surprisingly, I'm not excited whatsoever. Presents? Please. This year (thanks to my brother telling me =.=) I already know my brother and I are getting a keyboard. I'm quite excited...but now it means we have practise piano more. So as you can see that kind of takes the edge out of the excitement for me. Food? Always yummy. What difference does make Christmas make? And the so called Christmas spirit? Wake me up if you find it. zzz

Apart from dishwashing, a different thing I did today (different is such a funny word. It's always used in sentences like "Carrie's a bit different" or "How do I look?" "...different.") anyway a "different" (teehee) thing I did today was play the guitar! I know what you're thinking. What do you mean you just randomly played the guitar?! How many instruments do you play?! Just 3. And a half, including the guitar. But its surprisingly easy to play the guitar...badly. I can play quite a few basic chords, but some of them are like OW MY FINGERS LA too stretchy-ness and then it sounds fail. ^^ and its really easy to just bash away at the strings with a triangle thing called a pick, but then sounds just like that...bashing. So I was trying to teach myself to fingerpick. Note the word TRYING. But still an achievement of sorts. "How does it sound?" "...different." lol

Actually, I was almost really offended and cut. Basically I was just sitting on my bed bashing away at the guitar when my mum walks past and says, "That doesn't sound very pretty."

That's what I was like a minute. Shocked/depressed.
*crickets chirp*

Me: ............really...........Do I sound bad? :(
Mum: no i wasn't talking to you
*walks away, continues talking to dad about blahblahblah*
Me: oh. heh :)

Anti climatic. So I wasn't offended after all. 
One last thing: 

I WATCHED LION KING 1 and LION KING 2 LAST NIGHT!!!! WHOOOT!!!!! I never realised how many violent and evil themes there were in Lion King 1. O_O (if you have no idea what I am talking about, just watch it)

How cool are these glasses?? *silence* Maybe its just me...

I lied. *gasp* I just remembered something I thought about the other day when I was chasing my mum and brother around the supermarket (ended up running a full circle unnecessarily around the aisles =__=)

I HATE WASHING LETTUCE. I hate it. I hate it. I hate it.

Another ode to another household chore by Carrie Lee. 

When I pull you out of the fridge,
You are dripping with condensation,
And freeze my fingers with your coldness,
When I try to wash you,
First I have to peel your layers like layers of sunburnt skin,
You are so filthy,
Covered in dirt everywhere,
Brown specks on green leaves,
When was the last time you took a bath?
No one cares because now I have to bathe you
Chuck your body pieces in water,
Slosh your stupid leaves around in the stupid water,
It takes forever,
You're too fussy,
If I wash you too hard you bruise,
Not hard enough and the dirt won't come off,
But I won't even know until you're in my mouth and I taste...dirt.
Splash myself some more,
Then take you out,
And stare at the bugs floating in your dirty bathwater.
Stupid stupid.
You have too many leaves
I can't fit everything in the salad spinner,
So I put half of you in first,
Swish swish swish
Stupid lettuce
Swish swish swish
Now your other half,
Into a humungous bowl
That I will be washing later
Dress you in oil and salt and pepper and lemon
Then on the table
Where we eat you.

Sorry that was really long. But I REALLY HATE WASHING LETTUCE!!

Friday, December 17

How do we eat the world if we're not allowed to? Sorry, its another rant.

EAT ME - how cute? ^^
As debbie wrote, these teenage years are one of the most crucial to developing who we are in the future. Scary. Actually, i just thought of the puppy school instructor telling me that the first few months for a puppy defines who they are and they will never forget any traumatising horrors that happen to them and be scarred for if a massive labrador attacks it in a i-want-you-to-be-my-friend way...but anyways. I digress.

And its true. being a teenager means testing new fun and exciting things about life, gaining and losing friendships, the desperate lunging (but futile) attempt to gain independance/rebel (depending on what type of household you live in) from your old, childhood scene. We no longer want to be bound to the ways of the family, but we want to go out and make our mark in the world by ourselves. And if we can't........well, we act like the spoilt teenagers we really are and think its the end of the world. It isn't...usually.

As much as we want to learn more about the world and try new stuffs, sometimes we just can't. And its frustrating, because it feels like you're being left behind in the rush to grow up. Having a job as a teenager is only cool because its another "first time" experience, an excuse to be independant, and one of those "growing up" things that not everyone is allowed to do. (aha! the more something is unachievable for some people, the more everyone wants it, and the more "cool" it is perceived to be.) But have you noticed how no "grown ups" actually like working? Because everyone has access to it, no, actually, now society FORCES us to get a job so we can pay the neverending list of payments and bills that adults have to deal with.

So for me, I am one of those people who CAN'T get a job, and therefore perceive "getting a job" to be cool, and therefore think I am being left behind because i'm not allowed to. What does that leave me with? As a spoilt kid, it just makes me feel like I can't grow up like everyone else, and while everyone else is supposedly defining who they are, I just...can't. It's like a race, and i'm not losing, and i'm most definately not winning, technically I'm not even PART of the race, I'm not even in the audience watching, I'm just listening to someone tell me on the phone in another country about the excitement of what it is like, without ever getting a taste of what it really is "in real life". Anyway. Bad analogy. I'll never be any good at making analogies. I just confuse people even more. MOVING ON THE RANT NOW.

So I'm left with 2 options:
1) continue to mope and blog about it...leading me to overall general unhappiness, possibly longterm depression and a severe negative downturn in my personality development, future difficulty to socialise with people, inability to cope with any stresses in life and slight chance of future self-harm or suicide. Wow. That is...very positive and optimistic.

2) deal with it. Find another way to channel my urge to follow the crowd. Or maybe...i shouldn't follow the crowd? Do it a different way. Maybe just ignore the urge and overcome it. Or make my own path. Why should I follow the conventions of society? Can practising music and washing the dishes to be paid a child-like "allowance" at home be "as cool" as being out in the real world, meeting new people and getting real, grown up income? ...Probably not. Definately 100% no way. =__=

But what's the rush? I need to focus more on the stuff I HAVE not constantly whinging about stuff I CAN'T HAVE. I should be happy for people who can do stuff that I can't, and just find another way to eat the world. There is so much other stuff to do, so many other ways to eat the world without missing out. We need to SLOW DOWN and chew our food probably before swallowing it, otherwise we'll grow up too fast and regret fast-forwarding through the easy-going years of adolescence.

Tuesday, December 14

O B S E S S I O N S ! ~ we're living in a den of theives and its contagious

Obession #1
-desire to want to track down and watch forgotten movies
-suddenly breaking out and screaming lyrics to disney songs that you haven't listened to for 10 years. Yes, screaming.
-depression when you realise it is impossible to watch these movies in the near future :(((

or more specifically, an immense craving to rewatch the disney movies of MY CHILDHOOD ie:

THE RESCUERS!!!!! (if not my all-time-favourite, a very close tie with Mulan and Pocohontas)

LION KING 2 SIMBA'S PRIDE (sigh. watched it so many times. enjoyed and sang-along every time.)


and last but not least, POCOHONTAS!!! (love it love it love it)

Obsession #2
Researching clogs from Zoe Wittner!! On Sale!!


Finally!! My room is no longer a bomb site! (more like a bomb site after it has been half-cleaned up...) But there is still crap lying everywhere that I can't be bothered to deal with.
Bad news: turns out i'm not taller than my mum after all. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sdgsjkgglh;ljklk;l'klk;jhliugytdsgfsdf
PLUS I have only grown half a millimetre in 4 bleeeping months!! SO DEPRESSED AND PISSED OFF. Feeling immature and sulky. 

Good news: I found a few things that had been "lost" for months while I was cleaning my room. yay!
Good news: last violin lesson for a few weeks yesterday!! >:) heheh bludging today.
Good news: put up the christmas tree this morning
Bad news: spent a jillion years untangling stupid lights, hang them up on the tree, then find out THEY DON'T WORK bleeping bleeping flower power grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Good news: I had a really yummy and uber unhealthy ice cream yesterday!! It was half of an ICE CREAM SANDWICH COOKIE THINGY!! heheh now i'll turn into an uber fatty

A final note: I finally admitted to myself that you can feel jealous and someone-else-has-it-better-than-me all the time, like my constant whinging and complaining, for eg: "debbie's taller than me :("  or "i can't go to chatswood because I have a stupid piano lesson" or "why am i not allowed to get a job but i have to babysit and practise music in the holidays" but it just makes you unhappy. Doens't MEAN ITS NOT TRUE, but its best just not to think about it. Otherwise you'll turn into a miserable ugly prune and nobody will want to be your friend or nobody will want to go out with you when you're older because you're too wrinkly and fugly. :)

IT'S MEEE (haha i'm short sighted! geddit? ^^)

Monday, December 13

can't be bothered to write a whole post

yeah, like i said, i'm mega un-bothered right now.
been trying to tidy up my shelves - which turned into my desk and whole room - today. unfortunately it means my bedroom is now a bomb site (no exaggeration!)

just see for yourself:

aerial view

bed...yuck messy-ness

And one last thing: new post!!

Saturday, December 11

*has mood swings* Wow. I really am a teenager.

Funny thought #1:
When you are in a wedding service for a complete stranger who is also called your godmother and you have to wake up the other stranger who is snoozing in the seat next to you who is also called your dad. *did that make sense?*

Anyways. Dad actually fell asleep twice in that church service. *jealous*

I am so amazed at my psycho-ness sometimes. As you have noticed, I know I have to be productive and practise music and clean up, but I hardly find a proper motivation to do it. This morning I discovered my retarded driving force. All I have to do is write down exactly what I need to do on paper, and I am sort of compelled to be productive and complete the stuff on the timetable. Weird isn't it? Like I wrote down:

Get up at 8am 8.30am. NO LATER!!

And for some reason, that was enough to force myself to get up at 8.26am. O_O

But later (after the wedding) while my parents were at the reception THAT I WASN'T INVITED TO!?!? (she's my godmother for crying out loud, how can she not invite me?!) my mum told me to clean up the house. And I did it. 


I'm actually really proud at how hard I worked doing it!! I didn't even write it down on paper and I JUST DID IT!! I think I felt like I wanted to impress my mum and show her I was capable of cleaning the house by myself (my brother just watched TV and messed up the sofa that I had cleaned up then yelled at me for telling him to fix the sofa =.=). 

First I attempted to tidy my room. 
Then I packed my bag. 
Then I tidied the piano area. 
Then I made my parent's bed. (no way am I doing work for my brother)
Then I tidied the laundry, took down the clothes from the washing line, folded the clothes and put them away.
Then I put the dry dishes away, washed the dishes, tidied the kitchen and wiped all the benches and cooktops. 
Then I tidied the bench, table and the chairs, and wiped the table.
Then I tidied around the sofa and TV. 
Then I tidied the weird messy area next to the fireplace that doesn't have a name.  
Then I packed Lucy's (our puppy) stuffs. 
Then I failed at vacuuming. 
Then I just died. 

But it looked pretty good in the end!! Apart from the failed vacuuming. 

Later, my mum threw a dinner party for about 5 of her friends. 
Without any complaint, I helped her clean up, prepare, cook, EAT and pack up. I made 5 cups of tea, 3 with milk, 2 without milk. 

Thought interruption #2
I can peel broccolini with a really sharp knife!! >:)

But you know what? I started to get sick and tired of it. After all the hard work I did, ESPECIALLY CLEANING UP THE ENTIRE HOUSE BY MYSELF, no one thanked me, or even acknowledged that I was helping out at all. It's not like I'm expecting a trophy or a round of applause, but the only thanks i got was:

"Don't peel the broccolini like THAT!" It was my first try, all right? I wasn't doing too badly if I may say so myself, in fact it was actually pretty good. 

*massive freak out* "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?! I told you to cut the cucumber like THAT *in rectangles, point to the bowl on the right* not like THAT *round slices, point to bowl on left*. "You've just WASTED a whole cucmber!!" You know what? both the bowls were RIGHT NEXT TO EACH OTHER, and she told me to cut the cucumbers like the ones "over there", pointing in that general direction. She didn't say "CUT THEM INTO RECTANGLES". So SHEESH!! 

I was thinking, it only takes one "thankyou" to make you feel good. Was it that hard to make me feel like I had done a good job?? Or I am just completely inadequate?? I am NEVER good enough. EVER. Sometimes I'd like to just remind my mum that MOST TEENAGERS ARE MUCH WORSE THAN MEEEEE!!!!!!!!! If they were asked to do the stuff I do they would JUST NOT DO IT. Or fail at it. Or not try. And most teenagers are MUCH worse to their parents than I am!! I TRY okay?! Am I a fail daughter because sometimes, I get sick of being patient with my brother who makes absolutely no effort to be nice, no, even just not to be horrible to me??

Don't answer that.

Yeah. Wow. But I haven't been angry at all today. I have mainly been happy, tired, motivated (like:
ok, now I'll clean the kitchen and next I'll vacuum"). It's called mood swings. Sorry about the ranting everyone...

Anyways. Kath's party was sooo much fun!! The food was reallllly yummy and I had heaps of fun and the yum cha was I love how our group can have fun doing anything together, whether its talking and walking down a street, failing at picking up food at yum cha, swimming in a pool, making pizzas, playing wars with nerf guns, playing cards or even just chilling on the floor. And eating FORTUNE COOKIES!!

A final thought #3 *finally*
Pickle flavoured pringles are so wrong...but so gooood. >:)

Thursday, December 9

Finally. *sighs in relief*

I HAVE ESCAPED. probably have absolutely no idea what I am talking about. Here's a hint.

I'm sorry, but you have to be an extremely obese nub-muffin not to get this "hint". 

It took AGGESSS for me to it. DEACTIVATE. But its finally done. The thing is, I have been procrastinating about it for WEEKS...months. *sheepish grin* But (as cheesy as it sounds), i was lying in bed thinking about it, and I thought, what exactly will I miss about it?? Some possibilities:
-wall spam
-ability to comment and like various status and photos. I can do that in real life. It's called talking and exchanging photos.
-counting the number of "friends" i have by adding randoms i don't know or talk to

HOW ADORABLE IS THIS!! Peer pressure-ness. ^^ 
so basically, i deducted that there was one thing I would miss/be a bit sad about leaving behind:
Stalking people >:)

But anyways. What is done is done is done. IT'S DONE!! YAY *okay, enough with that word. =.=*

Looking forward to YUM CHA TOMORROW!! except now I have to pay with my own money :(( which sorta sucks, but I guess its fair considering I'm getting pretty big allowance now.

Sooooo....................has anyone been noticing the stinking hot weather lately? :)

Wednesday, December 8

The memories fade like looking through a fogged mirror

Recognise the title anyone? Hint: B.C. O_O
Yup! It's KIDS (MGMT)!! <3 I was soo obsessed! *evil pedo smile*

Debbie and I were discussing past obsessions (eg Electives, Trumpets...) and that got me thinking. How much stuff has passed without us realising?? Like when you come across your old 2005-2009 auroras, and spend 1hr+ sitting on the edge of your bed flipping through bad quality photographs of your classmates, some of whom you have forgotten even existed in your life. It's called the past, or more specifically, your semi-forgotten memories.

Here's to some stuff my friends and I have been through in the recent (or not so recent?) past/history:
-transformed into highly embarassing, noisy crows
-played "knot" and "bang" in the playground, in front of everyone, without feeling self-conscious. Instead, we opted for the "let's just have fun and be ourselves regardless of a few strange looks". And it worked.
-B.C. no more explanation required ^^
-M.M. also no more explanation required ^^
-made daisy chains on drummond field at the '09 house bbq
-became characters out of Harry Potter, whether it was discussing and planning our very own personally-written fanfic story, or for a dress-up party
-explored the realms of Taronga Zoo UNSUPERVISED!!
-ran down a green grassy hill like our lives depended on it
-sang to Keep On Moving to help us keep on moving
-scattergories at Ivy's!
-worrying about the Year 6 Musical
-being in the Year 6 Musical
-laughing over how fail the Year 6 Musical was
-worrying about being "old" as a high school student (Yr 7!! Shock horror!)
-worrying about being "old" as a yr 9 student
-worrying about being "old" as a yr 9 student, then realising we were in yr 11...maths O_O
-San churros. What else needs to be said?

I could go on forever...but that would be unhealthy.
An apology is also required for my previous emo post. I am very sorry. I shouldn't be so ungrateful and horrible. Just look at the some of the many great times in the above list!!

On another note, tomorrow I will hopefully put up the Christmas tree! Looking forward to it! and speaking of "looking"...look at the lookbook look!

Yeah. That took quite a while to get right. Used a music stand standing on a piano chair to get the camera high enough. ^^

Tuesday, December 7

are you feeling the holidays (as usual) as i am? no. of course not.

Yesterday I was dead set that it was Friday. It wasn't. Yesterday was Monday.
What was my MOST BASIC goal for holidays? Music-practising everyday. (specifically: 2hrs piano and violin per day. *grimaces*) Have I yet achieved it? NO. THAT IS NOT GOOD = VERY BAD.

Instead, here is what I achieved today:
-1 hr 30 min piano. That was good. Extremely frustrating, but satisfying. I had to resort to stopping at one point, and taking 10 slow, deep breaths to calm myself down. It worked. Heh.
-30 min violin SHAME SHAME

-Bought a song on iTunes. :)
-Found out I can't go to Chatswood because I have an alternative event that is even more fun. Piano lesson. YAY no. Only consolation is that a piano lesson is better than a violin lesson. O_O

-Re-read the second half of Harry Potter 7!! (picking up where the movie paused...heh). I will never get over the genius-ness of it.
-Took my dog on a walk. Extremely fail. Less than 1 min, she did 3 poos, I was unprepared - SHE EVEN SH*T ON TH LEASH AND i accidentally put my hand on it. Yay. 
-Oh yeah. Plus stabbed my toe with an extremely sharp piece of plastic. Blood. Red. Kind of felt like stepping on a very small, sharp nail. Another yay.
-And the icing on the cake, the braces getting tightened. No explanation required. Its always a fun event. So fun you never want to do it ever again. Still throbbing. Actually, its getting worse as I'm typing. OW OW OW OW...*rolls over in self-pity and cries*

Hey, but on the positive side, the weather was JUST BEAUT today. No, that doesn't help. But it was worth a try. Time to go surfing lookbook just to get more depressed. Desperate to post a look, but its impossible to get a picture first. Not that anyone will even read this. No one ever comments (except debbie. :) Thanks debs). It feels like I'm just talking to myself like in real life. Maybe I'll just go chew on some Panadol to make myself think that my braces will stop hurting. It won't work.