-desire to want to track down and watch forgotten movies
-suddenly breaking out and screaming lyrics to disney songs that you haven't listened to for 10 years. Yes, screaming.
-depression when you realise it is impossible to watch these movies in the near future :(((
or more specifically, an immense craving to rewatch the disney movies of MY CHILDHOOD ie:
THE RESCUERS!!!!! (if not my all-time-favourite, a very close tie with Mulan and Pocohontas)
LION KING 2 SIMBA'S PRIDE (sigh. watched it so many times. enjoyed and sang-along every time.)
and last but not least, POCOHONTAS!!! (love it love it love it)
Obsession #2
Researching clogs from Zoe Wittner!! On Sale!!
Finally!! My room is no longer a bomb site! (more like a bomb site after it has been half-cleaned up...) But there is still crap lying everywhere that I can't be bothered to deal with.
Bad news: turns out i'm not taller than my mum after all. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR sdgsjkgglh;ljklk;l'klk;jhliugytdsgfsdf
PLUS I have only grown half a millimetre in 4 bleeeping months!! SO DEPRESSED AND PISSED OFF. Feeling immature and sulky.
Good news: I found a few things that had been "lost" for months while I was cleaning my room. yay!
Good news: last violin lesson for a few weeks yesterday!! >:) heheh bludging today.
Good news: put up the christmas tree this morning
Bad news: spent a jillion years untangling stupid lights, hang them up on the tree, then find out THEY DON'T WORK bleeping bleeping flower power grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Good news: I had a really yummy and uber unhealthy ice cream yesterday!! It was half of an ICE CREAM SANDWICH COOKIE THINGY!! heheh now i'll turn into an uber fatty
A final note: I finally admitted to myself that you can feel jealous and someone-else-has-it-better-than-me all the time, like my constant whinging and complaining, for eg: "debbie's taller than me :(" or "i can't go to chatswood because I have a stupid piano lesson" or "why am i not allowed to get a job but i have to babysit and practise music in the holidays" but it just makes you unhappy. Doens't MEAN ITS NOT TRUE, but its best just not to think about it. Otherwise you'll turn into a miserable ugly prune and nobody will want to be your friend or nobody will want to go out with you when you're older because you're too wrinkly and fugly. :)
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IT'S MEEE (haha i'm short sighted! geddit? ^^) |
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