Saturday, March 5

what a nice pig. kudos babe.

yeah, you probs don't understand what the hell I'm going on about in the post title unless you have watched babe, otherwise it just sounds moving on...

we lost the debate on friday night...sad, but the topic was SO DODGE. We got the really hard side, and our model didn't make any sense at all. We were hoping that the opposition would just leave it alone and be bad, but they PWNED us...but only at 3rd negative, which is a bit dodgy. I was really pissed cos during my speech, someone in the opposition was really rude/bitchy - i said something and she went "pssht". HOW FING DARE YOU DISRESPECT ME IN MY SCHOOL WHEN I'M TALKING WAIT YOUR TURN. I also don't like how they were one of those teams that TURN AROUND AND LOOK AT YOU POINTEDLY when they are rebutting - i find that too personal and rude. anyways, enough debating ranting.

today was really good! basically the weather was dodge so we didn't have to trek down to the south coast this weekend -evil pedo smile-

  • did maths for hours and got most of it wrong...
  • went on a massive 1.5 hour walk with my puppy and mum, and had a massive D&M, which sounds weird, but it helped me to stop worrying so much about not knowing what I want to do when I finish school. Mum also helped me get over the whole "I want a job and jealous of everyone else" thing, and calmed down my paranoia that I would die of financial-ness in uni. 
  • ate a really yummy chocolate-coconut brownie that someone at mum's work made...onomnom
  • did some violin while watching my dog play in my room...really funny how she gets all worked up over a ball that makes a little rattling noise 
  • read a stupid note about debutante ball =.= that costs frigging $650 BUCKS. WHO WOULD DO THAT?!
  • chucked out the note -heheh-
  • went out to dinner with family to really yummy japanese restaurant. ate really yummy food like sushi, agedashi tofu, udon and stuffed zuchini flower ONOMNOM. drank yummy asian lychee tea drink too -heheh-
  • had a massive laugh with my brother over really stupid things
  • half-joked with my parents over this guy at my dad/brother's sports club...they were boasting about how he was such "a nice italian boy...the most polite they have ever met...does waterpolo etc...tall..." and telling me that I should go out with him/someone like him when i'm older...awkies. O_O
my outfit for dinner tonight: 

Coolies. Oh and P.S. mum recently bought da BEST ice-cream ever!!! white chocolate and raspberry SO YUMMY -mwahahaha-

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