Sunday, April 17

If dogs don't laugh, do they not have a sense of humour? Thought of the day.

An interesting Japanese drink called "lamune", which tastes a bit like fizzy bubblegum.

Amazing lunch yesterday at a Japanese restaurant. Nom nom nom. I probably post way too many pictures of food...but oh well.

As you can see, I stole some letters from UPWORDS and spelt out a phrase plagairised from debbie/typo. How mature of me.

This weekend has been really...uneventful. Which, for the first time in a way, I actually enjoyed. It was good to just not do anything, and have heaps of time to not do anything for. Even my attempts to work failed. Not good. I spent two hours today doing frigging general knowledge for violin and I didn't even get through ONE PIECE WORTH. GRGRGRGR takes so long even if I concentrate the entire time!! I actually think I'm going to go into my exam and play so bad the examiner like...vomits. Then fails me.

Went for a long walk today with my family near the river, and I was kicking myself for not bringing a camera cos it was so darn pretty.

WOW this post is really dull. Maybe I should just stop now.

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