Wednesday, April 27

Slipping through my fingers like silk.

Sometimes, if you think about it,
Dream about it,
Your little a head thinks it's real.
A little bubble of hope forms
You're living the dream in polka dots.
And plastic spoons.
Because plastic spoons are just awesome.
And it sounds good when you say it. 
And when the bubble pops - 
It's gone.
You've lost the dream.
You wait, lost.
Feel a little lost?

Waiting for the message that never comes.

Thursday, April 21

Maybe I'm a little bit obsessed.

How cute/awesome are these? Check it out here.

Don't really have anything to say, except that skype is really addictive...heheh. And I should really spend more time writing speeches than surfing the web wave for drawings of moustaches and other quirky bits and pieces.

Wednesday, April 20

Because I'm bored and a little bit tired.

Despite a really good yesterday and a pretty good morning, come midday the day became considerably more crap. (what sort of grammar is that?! oh well...). I don't really want to talk about it, but it led to me helping my brother practise violin for AN HOUR AND A HALF. 

Now I am so mentally drained I can't get myself to do work. ARGH my whole life at the moment is violin - when I'm not practising, I'm either doing general knowledge or helping my brother (cos if I don't I'll apparently be "grounded for life" and if we fight - even if its his fault I'm "grounded for life.")

SIGGGGHHH. I know that it is actually paying off, because I am getting slightly better at being "nicer" to be brother (so I don't get grounded for life =.=) and I have been told that I am getting more rock-like.


What else is new? 
  • I've learnt a lot of new computer slang: 
    • LMAO
    • wbu
    • nvm
    • orly?
    • etc.
  • Holidays are nearly over and I STILL haven't done the most important and urgent tasks 
    • English speech (shudder - dies in a corner)
    • Studies essay and presentation (resurrects - dies again)
    • General knowledge (no energy to die again)
  • Swearing is becoming more and more frequent - particular because my source of swearing is either playing the violin, thinking about violin, thinking about schoolwork or helping my brother - and I can't do anything it...but swear when no one is looking.
  • My grandparents 50th Anniversary is tomorrow night and I forgot to to get them something. ****...
  • met up with Audrey on monday and made a new friend! SO MUCH FUN
  • Discovered a new boost drink "Lychee crush" or somefing like was really goood...
  • Have been swinging between "desperate to get back to school" and "clinging on to the holidays for dear life"
This post is so meaningless. I should stop before it gets any worse... 

END OF POST. Full stop.

Sunday, April 17

If dogs don't laugh, do they not have a sense of humour? Thought of the day.

An interesting Japanese drink called "lamune", which tastes a bit like fizzy bubblegum.

Amazing lunch yesterday at a Japanese restaurant. Nom nom nom. I probably post way too many pictures of food...but oh well.

As you can see, I stole some letters from UPWORDS and spelt out a phrase plagairised from debbie/typo. How mature of me.

This weekend has been really...uneventful. Which, for the first time in a way, I actually enjoyed. It was good to just not do anything, and have heaps of time to not do anything for. Even my attempts to work failed. Not good. I spent two hours today doing frigging general knowledge for violin and I didn't even get through ONE PIECE WORTH. GRGRGRGR takes so long even if I concentrate the entire time!! I actually think I'm going to go into my exam and play so bad the examiner like...vomits. Then fails me.

Went for a long walk today with my family near the river, and I was kicking myself for not bringing a camera cos it was so darn pretty.

WOW this post is really dull. Maybe I should just stop now.

Wednesday, April 13

How do I say this?

Okay, just as a warning, this post is going to be really deep, man. I’m not joking. Like deep, and meaningful. Not necessarily well-written. The next post defs won't be like this. Now I'm procrastinating. OK maybe I should just get on with it.


So I guess this is a little bit late since we’re already jiggy in the holidays (soz I’ve been you-tubing today *thumbs up for nigahiga and kevjumba!!).

But anyway.

If we take ourselves back to the last 10 (? 11?) weeks, I think we can definitely agree its been one hell of a term.We survived two year eleven maths tasks. We became role models for year sevens. We took ourselves through the exchange process and a million other things.

But something that I haven’t really thought about for a while is that our group split. And I haven’t managed to stop and think about things since, I haven’t let myself get caught up in emotions and memories, but now that I have some time to myself, by myself, it’s all catching up.

Because at the time, I didn’t allow myself to look at things differently. I stubbornly refused to see any of good times that we had as a group of 16, our “asians plus one point five” group. I didn’t want to get hurt, and I didn’t want my friends to either. So I stopped caring, and “moved on” before it was even over, to the point that I was relieved when it was.

So what does this have to do with anything? Recently my computer has been verging on running out of data space, and I have sorted through useless files and deleted ugly photos. Just then, I scrolled through two big folders from last year, before everything changed.

It was a sleepover with four people. Flipping through those photos, I gradually transformed to flinching at the sight of familiar faces to laughing at the good times, then finally feeling a bit of a pang at what used to be. Which sounds very sentimental, but that’s just how I felt.

Taking myself back to innocence, those four people were some of my most trusted and close friends. And that was truly one of the most fun times I have had, and haven’t felt that overwhelmed with happiness for a long time. Making pancakes, playing Scattegories and the other game that I can’t remember the name for, cartwheeling on bindi-infested grass and marvelling at a city skyline at night…these are activites that I know I will never repeat with those people. And it makes me sad, because you guys really gave me joy, and I don’t know where it went.

Somewhere along the way, somethin happened. People change. And that’s not a bad thing – don’t get me wrong. It’s a human thing. Lives go on. Friendships crack and “turn to dust”. We watch each other get hurt. We get angry. We laugh. We cry. We steal things. *okay that was just a Jason Mraz reference…no relevance soz*

What is it that I’m trying to say? I don’t know how to put this down in words. It’s a feeling. A sense of loss. But without feeling incomplete. It’s sad, definitely. We went through some amazing times together. We made countless memories and shared a thousand smiles, laughs, inside jokes. I will never forget that. But I don’t miss it. I just…feel grateful.

So we “split”. Life went on. Only now that I’m bringing it up (soz) can we even remember anything even happened. And thanks to that, I’m getting to know my friends more and more each day. And I don’t need to worry about pleasing anyone anymore.

I actually do hope that sometime soon, we can all be big enough to stop being awkward, stop judging each other, caring about what “she said” and just being awkward. This goes for everyone. So we split. That doesn’t make us “enemies”. That doesn’t mean we have to look really hard for insults inside every meaningless statement. Chinese doesn’t have to be a battlefield. Are we not mature enough to just not get all worked up over petty exam marks and stupid credit points? Intimidation doesn’t get anywhere. Healthy competition doesn’t have to be an obsession. JO IS NOT YOUR SWORN RIVAL. We all need to grow some thick skin. Like scales, maybe. Can we not remember that less than 6 months ago we were “besties”. 
Okay, maybe not “besties” but we were at least friends? How did friends degenerate to enemies? We’re just people. We’re not out to get you. Let go, guys.

So for anyone reading this who understands, I don’t know if you know what I am trying to say. But I guess it doesn’t matter. Because I said it, and that’s all that really matters. It’s late, but it’s out there. And Kath, you were right all along.

I want to say that I don’t hold anything against anyone. One time not so long ago we were friends. I make my peace.

So long, and thanks for all the fish. J

Now so long, Marianne, it's time that we began
To laugh, and cry, and cry, and laugh about it all again. 

Tuesday, April 12

My Delicious Tofu.

Today was so much funnnnnnn!! Went to chink camp at school and met heaps of new people and learnt...somewhat very little chinese *thumbs up*

During the day, although I did learn some Chinese (hopefully...) I discovered some other interesting things:

  • Ascham people are actually really nice!! This goes against my prejudices via the news about cyber-bullying disasters at Ascham...
  • Not everyone in the world is randomly uber-uber pro at Chinese! There are some "normal" non-pro people out there like me so I don't feel so nooby. 
  • Guys can be nice too. And there's nothing scary about them. 
  • BUT some people are really, REALLY creepy. (JO you know what I mean...)
  • When you are in the middle of being happy, you don't know that you're happy ie. (身在福中不知福MWAHAHA MY CHINESE SKILLSSS
  • Tofu and rice tastes very nice.
  • I don't like Jay Chou's singing. Or rapping. 
  • My iPod is dying...
  • Apparently, at guy schools, if you do cross country then you're a "dropkick" (what the...??)
  • Everyone somehow knows Jo or is scared of Jo. 

I feel a compulsion to finish of this post neatly. But two tries, and I can't do it properly so I guess you should probably stop reading now because this sentence doesn't go anywhere. See?


Sunday, April 10

Weekend Photo Diary

At the little white lighthouse in Kiama. Actually, it was at the blowhole, but nothing was happening. No waves = no water splashes = fail blowhole. 


A quick walk on the beach at sunset. That means a lot of sunset photos...

Welcome to the holidays!! These two days have been awesome. Went to the beach with Audrey: took heaps of photos, drank coffee, saw dolphins TWICE, d&mmed, watched Rockwiz, listened to music and slept a lot. Really good to just unwind after an uber tiring week.

I'm really nerd-ily looking forward to chink camp this tuesday. Via Audrey's pro-iTouch apps, I learnt how to say "These drugs aren't mine!" in mandarin. Good.

Friday, April 1

one to go

[photos from]

I think we can all agree that this has been a pretty full-on week. Stroke, procrastination in response to the scariness of next week. And the thought of all the stuff due next term...aiyaaa.

I feel as though I have a lot to say, but I can't quite work out how to say it properly. Twice I have deleted paragraphs so far, as I have rendered them uninteresting or boring. There are definately some things on my mind, but unfortunately due to my crappy kindergarden standard english skills, I cannot manage to verbalise them properly.

These days, I have been training myself to keep my mouth shut better. To little success. Somehow, I always manage to come across as rude and anti-social, when really I am trying to prevent myself from launching spit-balls and useless, whiney spews of pathetic comments, often complaining or insulting something. It's all this negative energy that makes me seem really artificial, and not a nice person. Unfortunately, as it has been to little success, my main bursts of insulting/aggressive statements tend to release all the energy that I have been holding back, usually in the form of a really immature/selfish outburst. To my uber tolerant and patient friends, I'm really sorry for my strange and insulting/angry sounding comments I make, I almost always regret them afterwards, but never have the guts to apologise.

On that pleasant note, I actually started tutoring this week. Maths. When I enter the college, I feel out of place and awkward, literally like a noob - I don't think I really understood the meaning of the word before. Everyone is friendly to one another, goes to a different school, has a 50% chance of being a guy (SCARY), looks at me weirdly like I noob that doesn't belong and most importantly is KOREAN. Just another reminder that I fail at being who I should be, I can't speak Korean like everyone else is, I don't look Korean, I don't act korean, I'm not surrounded by Korean friends (except for Sang Sang --> copying Jo's nickname) which basically makes me a Korean NUB.

NB: regardless of that rant, the tutoring itself is fine. It's just my retarded artificial outlook/paranoia that isn't.

*breathes* Ok then. Signing off. Looking forward to tomorrow nights dinner with Audrey! Also secretly longing to go to Glebe and magically locate the pair of glasses I spotted once (and for some stupid stupid reason didn't get) and magically buy them to magically fill with prescription (my eyeballs have deteriorated AGAIN) which would be magical, but highly unlikely.

I hope you all have a magical weekend! Carrie