Let's not beat around in the bush. I'm just going to jump in at the deep end and SAY it:
And what the freak is "Coke" flavour? Or perhaps, "Bubblegum" flavour?
Society has become so thick-skinned that we are completely oblivious to this MASSIVE conundrum (aka a "conudjum" ^.^) "Coke" or "Cola" flavour has become so imbedded in our brains that we don't even bother asking, what the hell is Cola flavour? At least we know that "lemonade" is supposed to be ... well, lemonade. But "Cola" is just ... "Cola". O_O
And today, I saw my brother eating 5 gum. I pestered him and whined, "Why didn't you offer ME some??". He said, "Okay, do you want some?"
"What flavour is it?"
Now let's look at this. Bubble gum flavour. It's this sickly sweet, 100% artificial colouring and flavouring mystery taste. And obviously, the only product that is ever flavoured with the lovely artificial-ness of bubblegum is gum. Bubble gum flavoured bubblegum. You chew it, but what the hell is it?! Hmm. What genius made that up??
So I asked my brother.
"Bubblegum is just bubblegum. But sometime's it's strawberry."
Words from the horse's mouth.
And let's not forget
It's not even blueberry. It's just BLUE. Which is a colour. Of the sky. And the closest we get to an explanation is frigging "blue FREEZE" or "blue ice" or something like that. I want an explanation! Drinks should not be flavoured as colours!! Blue is blue is blue is blue!! WHAT THE F?!?! Someone please tell me
*end of rant*
so how is everyone?
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