Tuesday, October 18

Good night, good bye. All that's left is a handful of photos and a sea of memories.

Formal: Friday October 14th

I was surprised by how much the formal surprised me. It was fun, but also funny. The music was...disturbing to my ears. The food sloshed around uncomfortably on our plates. The boat rocked and I felt the world turning on its side. But it didn't matter. We were together. 

Some things to remember:
-Debbie's perfect "cliche" moment on the stairs
-the centrepiece of the table - bread
-Jane's sharp eye spotting seagulls nonchalantly gliding outside the window. She said it was good sign.
-the stress of getting ready..."makeup in my eye! makeup in my eye!"
-hobbling towards the ship in heels
-dancing in heels - basically awkward movements of my arms
-Jason's solo(s)
-pressuring Whit to dance...soz Whit ;)
-when the boat left and the line on the horizon starting tilting into the air...
-meeting everyone at the opera house...seeing their beautiful smiles and outfits
-screaming at everyone to huddle closer into the photo
-spontaneously taking a brilliant sequence of love-os with debs and annie at the window *thumbs up*
-interrogating Whit's date ... about banana's in pyjamas hahahaha
-how it only rained when we were safe and dry

and so much more! let the pictures do the talking. 

The night, like the birds, flew away, caught only in a spectacular fleeting moment and a scattered handful of photos. The rest is floating around in our heads, resurfacing in dreams, peeking through idle thoughts and sculpted in words between friends.

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